Occupational Therapy
Is therapy based on engagement in meaningful activities of daily life (as self-care skills, education, work, or social interaction) especially to enable or encourage participation in such activities despite impairments or limitations in physical or mental functioning.
It focusses on eliminating environmental barriers to independence and participation in daily activities
Certified occupational therapist at the clinic
- Work with clients with neurological challenges to strengthen their sensory motor and perceptual skills.
- Train children with delayed developmental milestones achieve them.
- Work with patient’s pre and post operatively to strengthen muscle coordination and balance.
- Help clients to adjust to new appliances or prosthesis
- Train on mobility and transfers e.g. from from the wheelchair to the commode independently
- Offering Psychological cancelling to amputees to enhance elevation of phantom pain and self-denial
- Training on activities of daily living to the patience to enhance independence e.g. Training an hemiplegic patient how to dress himself without any difficulties
- Splints fabrication i.e. hand resting splint, elbow conformers, foot rest, dynamic splints etc.
- Environmental modification. Training patients who come to the clinic on how the can modify some areas in their homes e.g. Toilets, bathrooms, kitchen and even their places of work and schools

Neuro-Surgical Rehabilitation. The Clinic facilitates the patients travelling to Kijabe Mission Hospital for surgery and after the surgery the patients travel back to Mombasa for post-operative care. This is done mainly for children with hydrocephalus and Spina Bifida.
- Work with children and families with different abilities to best meet their individual needs
- Provide an holistic approve towards management of children with different abilities
- To create awareness on prevention, identification and management of different disabilities
- Improve the well-being of a child with different ability to be better than the way we found him/her

Occupational Therapy can help:
- Promote independence in activities of daily living.
- Improve visual motor skills and eye hand coordination.
- Develop balance, movement and coordination.
- Improve handwriting
- Support sensory processing and regulation for attention and concentration.
- Improve planning and organization skills.
- Recommend adaptations or specialized equipment for home and/or school to improve participation.
- Provide specialized seating or wheelchair
The Occupational Therapy Department provide services to:-
- Children aged 5-18 years who present with functional difficulties in areas like motor skills, sensory processing and self-care skills.
The services offered at the occupational therapy department include:-
- Consultation
- Paediatric assessment
- Referrals
- Therapy
- Work with Bethany kids kijabe on surgical intervention especially children with hydrocephalus and spina Bifida
- Work with Hope walks/Clubfoot Kenya in management of Club- foot management
Clubfoot is a birth defect where one or both feet are rotated inward and downward. The affected foot and leg may be smaller than the other. Approximately 50% of cases of clubfoot affect both feet. Most of the time, it is not associated with other problems. Without treatment, the foot remains deformed, and people walk on the sides of their feet. This may lead to pain and difficulty walking.
At APDK we have fully certified rehabilitation team which include occupational therapist, physiotherapist, Nurse and orthopedic Technologist who are fully trained on clubfoot management using the ponseti treatment method which starts when the child is born till the age of 5yrs that’s when he or she is discharged from the clinic
The goal of treating clubfoot remains the same whatever the approach: to provide long-term correction of the deformity resulting in a foot that is fully functional and pain-free