County Government offices in the Coast Region, Portreitz Sub-County Hospital, Bomu Hospital, Msambweni Hospital, Kinondo Kwetu, National Council for Persons with Disabilities, Doctors, Paedtrician, AIC Cure International Hospital & Bethany Kids Kijabe, Base Titanium among others
CBM which was founded by Ernst Christoffel in 1908 is an international disability and development organization whose purpose is to improve the quality of life of the world’s poorest persons with disabilities. It has partnered with APDK for over 30 years through funding of surgeries, assistive devices, Outreach Clinics and Community Based Rehabilitation programs. This ensures that more people with disabilities can be reached with good quality and appropriate services so that they can take part in a community life and become fully integrated members of society. Their continuous support is highly appreciated.
Over 30 years of faithful support for the Clinic towards staff salaries, corrective surgeries, assistive devices, education for children from poor families/identified individuals from the Outreach/CBR programs. They have also funded construction of houses for extremely poor families. leaves a lasting impact in children’s lives.
Long term friends and supporters for more than 25 years led by their able leader Gerhard Juginger. Their members have visited the Clinic every after two years and have donated generously towards general running of the Clinic (repairs and maintenance) corrective surgery, support towards day care centre and staff salaries.
For over 10 years, 100% program has faithfully supported 15 children with Special Needs and their families from the slums around Mombasa namely Jomvu, Kibarani and Likoni. Their focus has been support towards weekly therapy, medication, education and family support. As well as transport (mainly for the parents to be able to bring their children for therapy sessions) which has had tremendous impact on the families
Have strongly supported the Clinic through donation of vehicle, 2 motor cycles, 3 water storage tanks for (reservoir system) water, commercial kitchen equipment. Also supported education and corrective surgeries. Their support in both has motivated and enhanced self-esteem to children who had no hope in life.
Great supporter of the Clinic through contribution towards general running of the Clinic
KNH have been a long standing partner of the Clinic and support Community Based Rehabilitation Services and Outreach programs which are our core activities in the catchment areas. This program contributes to quality inclusive health, social and economic wellbeing of children with disabilities and their families. Through KNH support we are able to promote community participation in rehabilitation of persons with disabilities resulting in mainstreaming disability in the community through training and using Community Health workers.
The foundation has supported the Clinic by sending both general and technical volunteers who offer professional expertise thus enhancing quality service delivery. Their support towards corrective surgery, therapy equipment, and children’s outings.
They have been instrumental in funding corrective surgeries which has transformed lives.
We are grateful to the following donors who have supported us in running of our activities.
- National Fund for the Disabled of Kenya (NFDK) – support towards purchase of therapy equipment and also funded construction of a water tank
- Velji P. Shah – weekly voucher
- Jihan Freighters – monthly milk and vegetable support
- Kyoga Hauliers – weekly feeding program, vegetable & milk support. Donated laundry machines and also payment of NHIF registration for needy clients.
- Naivas Supermarkets, Food Plus Chandarana, A-One supermarket and Silver Duty Shop for allowing us place donation tins in their premises
- Magram butchery – minced meat weekly
- Crystal Face company – tea leaves
- Hussein Bakery—weekly bread donation
- Latin Saints—Drilling of a borehole
- Mulji Devraj & Brothers company – Flashing of the borehole and made it fully operational.
- Mash E. Africa—provision of transport for in-patients outings and foodstuff
- Tradecon Co. Ltd support towards children functions
- Esri Star Transport company – weekly donation of meat
- MJ Clarke – monthly donation of foodstuff

List of our international donors
KASH Youth Project Netherlands
List of our local donors
National Fund for the Disabled of Kenya |
Mulji Devraj & Brothers Ltd |
Jayesh Construction Co. Ltd |
Mombasa Cement |
Velji Premchand Shah |
Holy Cross Catholic Church |
Martin Fortis Ltd |
Shida Republic |
Jitegemee Women Group |
SKAL International |
World Food Progamme |
Jihan Freighters Ltd |
Africa Cotton Industries |
Mash East Africa |
Devchand Keshavji |
Hussein Bakery Ltd |
Magram Butchery Ltd |
Tradecon Limited |
SKAL International |
World Food Progamme |
Jihan Freighters Ltd |
Africa Cotton Industries |
Mash East Africa |
Devchand Keshavji |
Hussein Bakery Ltd |
Magram Butchery Ltd |
Tradecon Limited |