Welcome to APDK
Rehab Clinic
Years of Experience on community Service
Strengthen rehabilitation services and mainstream disability for empowerment of person with different abilitie
An inclusive society where persons with different abilities are empowered

APDK runs several programs across the coast region which are funded differently.
These programs are:-
APDK Rehabilitation Clinic—this is one of the programs that offers rehabilitation services to post operative cases . These cases are majorly orthopaedic related deformities. It has three departments i.e Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Orthopaedic department and Nursing. It is through these departments that the rehabilitation component is made complete.
Mobility Aid Workshop – Through this department mobility devices are fabricated according to the WHO standards. Among these devices are special seats, wheelchairs and tri-cyles.
Community Based Rehabilitation program—through this program services are taken directly to the community by our professionals . We work in collaboration with health facilities administration and schools with an objective of identifying orthopaedic conditions and creation of disability awareness. It is through this program that the five counties around the coast region are covered.
The program team work hand in hand with different partners and stakeholders with the aim of giving back to the community
Our Departments
Giving treatment, dressing of wounds to in and out-patients, removing stitches
Is therapy based on engagement in meaningful activities of daily life (as self-care skills, education, work, or social interaction)
In this section we fabricate artificial limbs both upper limb and lower limb,these appliances are meant to replace a missing part of the body
Is responsible for management of different conditions as per the formulated treatment plan. Services for both the children and adults are provided.
Some of our recent projects
Therapeutic pool
We are grateful to KASH Youth Project Netherlands for renovation of our therapeutic pool which is very useful in rehabilitation of children with disabilities as it helps achieve the following:-
- Relaxation of the muscles
- Improve joint range of motion
- Helps in body balancing
- Strengthens weaker muscles
- helps in ambulation i.e it improves stability in walking


Our appreciation goes to Ukunda Hilfe for renovation of our playground as the plays undertaken is very important to children emotionally, socially, mentally and physically as it builds kids’ self-esteem and confidence, allows kids to experience a range of emotions normally not available to them in other situations making them play freely helps develop essential life skills like humor, tolerance and spontaneity. Helps them overcome trauma as play provides a way for children to release their emotions and share their feelings and also brings them closer to their teachers and caregivers.